

Pray, Listen, and Obey

Pray, Listen, and Obey

There is so much going on in the world right now. This is the time, more than ever, to pray, listen, and obey. We must pray and ask God the right questions. After we pray, it’s time to listen to the instructions God gives. After we have heard from the Lord about the matters concerning us, it’s time to obey. God is intentional and will give specific instructions for us to follow. This is a time to be strategic and follow the Lord wherever He leads us. Let’s pray, listen, and obey.


Prayer is an essential part of our relationship with God. Prayer is simply talking to God. It’s how we communicate with God. Prayer can be done in private or in public. Prayers can be said silently or aloud. They can be said with your eyes open or closed, kneeling, standing, or walking. There is no way that is better than another. The most important thing is making sure our hearts are in the right position.

Prayer is a way to get peace, it’s a way to stop worrying. The effectual and fervent prayers of the righteous accomplish much (James 5:16). 1 Thessalonians 5:17 reminds us to pray without ceasing. Praying persistently and at all times helps us discern God’s will and defeat whatever the enemy is throwing at us. This is the will of the Lord concerning us. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)


God is speaking all the time. If only we would take the time to listen to Him. How can we hear from God? Through His word. “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12). When we take the time to study and learn His Word, the Holy Spirit will bring it to our memories at the most opportune time. (John 14:26)

I have never heard the audible voice of God. However, I hear and see things all the time that remind me of His Word. As I sit and meditate on a scripture, He reveals things to me in a new way. The most important part of listening to God is taking the time to do so. We must be intentional and disciplined about spending time with Him and His word. Once we begin to listen we will know his voice. (John 10:3-5; 27) Once we can discern His voice and hear the instructions He gives, it’s time to obey.


Obedience is always one of those things that are easy to say but hard to do. The blessings of the Lord make us rich and add no sorrow. (Proverb 10:22) We obtain His blessings by obeying His commands. So, why is it so hard to obey? The story of Saul’s disobedience may help explain this.

In 1 Samuel 15, God tasked Saul with defeating and completely destroying the Amalekites. Saul gathered his army and destroyed the Amalekites except for their king. Saul and his army also kept everything else that appealed to them. He was cheerful and rejoiced that he carried out the Lord’s command. However, Samuel reminded Saul that the command was to destroy the Amalekites. But Saul insisted that he obeyed in his way. By saving the king and the other things the army desired, Saul argued that they could now give great offerings to God.

Samuel replied, “ What is more pleasing to the Lord; your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice. Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice and submission is better than offering the fat of rams.” (1 Samuel 15:22)

Although Saul obeyed some of God’s commands, he didn’t fully obey. Isn’t that where a lot of us find ourselves in our journey with God? We obey in a manner that is comfortable for us. What this reveals is that we are rebellious and stubborn. How can God fully trust us to carry out His will, if we don’t fully obey? What blessings and opportunities are we missing out on because we don’t fully obey the voice of the Lord due to our discomfort and rebellion?

Pray. Listen. Obey.

This is a time when we need the guidance of God more than ever. The way of the world is no longer working and it’s time for us Christians to step up and provide the leadership that the world so desperately needs. We have to pray, listen, and obey so that we can move when and where God tells us to. It’s no longer optional. We must choose one side. Let’s stand on the side of the Lord and start with earnest prayer, attentive listening, and obeying His commands. This is how we bring about change and make a better place for future generations.

Thanks for joining me on my journey through singleness,


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The Battle

falling short

I’m battling God and I’m tired. I’m running away from the calling God placed on my life. I’m battling to keep what I need to let go. I fought for so long to have my way and now I’m exhausted. The battle cost me peace, happiness, the ability to love without condition, and patience. Why am I fighting with God? Because I am afraid.


I’m terrified I’m not worth more than what I have right now. What if this is all there is and God doesn’t do what He promised? What if He takes longer than I’m willing to wait. Am I willing to forsake the future God showed me, for now? If I continue to keep what He told me to let go, will I ever get to what God has for me?

Even if I embrace God’s path for me, will I get to it? Am I even worthy enough to do His work? It gets hard and lonely as the super saved girl. What if I just don’t have what it takes? I declare every day that I am confident in God and His word. But, how do I trust when it seems like I’m waiting in vain? This I know for sure, every time I fully surrendered and trusted Him fully, He blew my mind.


So, how do I get back to that place? That place where I let go and let God. How do I get to the fully surrendered, prostrate before the Lord, just me and Him place? I used to be there. I heard His voice clearly and followed it. My selfish desires get the best of me. I got distracted, confused, and lost. I fell all the way down. How did I get here?

I know the scriptures, I know the pitfalls to avoid. Or, at least I thought I did. Now I’m unstable. I’m fighting and screaming just to get back, but He seems so far away. That’s when I fell to my knees and gave up the fight. God, I cannot live this way. You called me to be holy and set apart. The righteous fall seven times and get back up. I need to get up. I have sinned and fallen short of the glorious standard of Christ but there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ.

Victory at Last

I’m in Christ. He has taken on every sin. He paid the penalty for each fall. Lord, help me get to a place where I abhor sin. Where I crucify my flesh with its lust and desires for this world, and pick up my cross and follow You. Help me to be grateful for today and not worry about tomorrow or what’s to come. Let me do what I can do today.

I have to make sure I’m hearing God’s voice above it all. God’s voice is in His word. I surrender God, I surrender all. I’m tired of trying it my own way. I fully accept the calling, gifts, and talents you have placed in my life. You win God. Funny thing is, I finally feel victorious. Now, I’m ready to walk the path to redemption.