

Bible Study

Following Instructions: A Bible Study

A lot of times I wondered how to follow God’s instructions. Following God seems like it should be simple, do what He says and it will be fine. If only it were that simple. Many things can get in the way of doing what God says. Distractions are plentiful. But the first step in following God’s instructions is to ensure we are hearing from God. Let’s look at Proverbs 4:20-27 to guide us.

My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words.

Proverbs 4:20


We first must turn our ears to His words. His word is scripture. All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

We can compare all thoughts against the scripture to ensure that we are really hearing from God. If what we heard doesn’t give life and health or train in righteousness, then we can rest assured that it was not God. If what you heard aligns with the scripture then you’re hearing from God. This begs the question, who and what are we listening to? What’s in our hearts?

Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body. Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

Proverbs 4:21-23


When we listen to His words we can then keep them within our heart. There’s a promise here. Keeping God’s word within our hearts is life and health to our whole body. In Matthew Jesus said out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. That’s why it’s important to guard our hearts. It’s the key to life and health. Everything we do flows from it. A tree is determined by its fruit. What is the overflow of our heart saying? What fruit is coming out of our mouths?

Keep your mouth free of perversity; keep corrupt talk far from your lips. Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you.

Proverbs 4:24-25

Speak and See

When the heart is full of what God says, then the flow will be righteous, good, and full of hope. It will be free from perversity and corrupt talk. Then, you’ll see clearly the straight path. What you say affects what you see. If you speak things of God, you will see and clearly follow things of God. There is power of life and death in the tongue. Those who love its use will eat its fruit. Look around. Can you see life?

What are the people around you saying? Are they speaking the truth? For instance, have you ever turned down the radio so you can see clearly where to go? Or stopped talking in order to concentrate better.  Our mouths can distract us from what we need to see. How do we view ourselves and others? What have our mouths said that will make us view things differently than they are?

Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.

Provers 4:26-27

Walk Righteously

When we see clearly, we can then place our feet firmly on the path God has for us. We will be sure of the way to go and won’t have a need to turn in any direction except towards God. However, it all starts with hearing from God. Our hearing impacts the entire body. If we don’t hear correctly, then it’s a slippery slope to not being on the path God laid out for us. So, let’s take out time and ensure we are hearing from God by studying the scriptures. 

Thanks for joining me on my journey through singleness


almost doesn't count

Almost Doesn’t Count

There have been a lot of almosts in my life lately. I was almost in a relationship. I almost had a job I wanted. Unfortunately, almost doesn’t count. Being so close and so far away at the same time is an interesting predicament.

I’m tired of almost. It feels like failure. So many failures in such a short period seem unfair. I know what God says about me. He says that I’m more than an overcomer. He says that in Him, I have the victory. His word calls me chosen, loved, victorious, wonderful, and valuable. Scripture His word says that He’ll give me peace that surpasses all understanding, and He’ll be close to me when I’m brokenhearted. 

Yet, it’s hard to remember all that when all I can see are the failures of almost successes piling up around me. It’s hard to see the victory in Jesus when what I feel is the pain of another no. I understand that everyone goes through this. I’m supposed to rejoice during trials because it will produce character, patience, faith, and a hope that doesn’t disappoint. So, why do I still feel this way?

How do I overcome the disappointment of these scenarios that almost worked out didn’t. Where can I gather my strength and rejoice when I feel so weak again? I still pray and rely on God. My hope comes from Him. Relying on God is much easier to say than to do. Pain has a way of overshadowing everything. Thanks be to God that He always hears. Amid my tear-filled prayers, He always sends an answer.

He reminded me to be grateful. Instead of thinking about what didn’t work, I started thinking about what is working. I filled my thoughts with gratitude for all that He has done. For every one thing I perceived to be horrible, I realized there are at least 2-3 things that amazing. Gratitude changed my perspective from almost doesn’t count to better is coming.

I encourage you to think about things that are good, praiseworthy, excellent, and holy. Then be grateful for what you have and what is coming. Because in God, there is always better. Those opportunities that God has for me will not pass by me. His promises won’t pass you by either. Take heart, although almost doesn’t count, in God, nothing is in vain. Not even your pain.

Thanks for joining me through my journey through singleness,


Black and Christian

Black And Christian

Ever since the social unrest and racial injustices erupted, I’ve been torn. Where does my allegiance lie? Do I have to choose between my blackness and my God? How can I reconcile being Black and Christian?


Seeing my black brothers and sisters gunned down and murdered in the street grieves my heart. How is this still happening? And why does it seem to happen predominantly to us Black folk? What did we do to deserve this? What can we do to fight this? Something has to change. So,  I prayed to God about what I should do specifically as a Black and Christian woman. 

How can I improve our plight as Black people in America? I’ve called, emailed, protested, and donated, but there must be something else I can do. What is my specific assignment in all of this? How can I continue on as normal, as if this isn’t happening? Black people are facing discrimination and being mistreated simply because of the color of their skin.  A lot of this is being perpetrated by other Christians. These are people who claim to love God and HIs people, yet aren’t showing that Godly love toward their Black sisters and brothers.


So, how can I reconcile this? Jesus told us to forgive our trespassers. He commands that we turn the other cheek and pray for our enemies. The bible is clear on this. Yet, it’s hard to do. I’m not turning my back on God. God is rooted in me. So, now I have to reconcile forgiving the same people who continue to dismiss my blackness and treat me less than because of it. I am commanded by the God who saved me to forgive the very same people who stole my ancestors from their native land and forced them into chattel slavery. Those same people then terrorized and dehumanized my people for centuries. They have yet to apologize or even admit any wrongdoing and I’m supposed to forgive them.

Jesus, I need your help on this one. You showed so much compassion and love in Your short time on earth. You fed the hungry and broke bread with the oppressed. Give me Your heart on this matter. Help me to see them as You do. Allow me to show the same compassion, love, and grace that You extend to all who know You. Help me to do this even though it may not be reciprocated. Help me to choose You in every circumstance. 

Black and Christian

I can be both unapologetically Black and Christian. There is no choice. I am both at the same time. Both identities are so intertwined in me that there cannot be a separation. I am who God called me to be. I am a Black Christian woman. My hope is still in God. The blood still works. My skin is still black and I will continue fighting for the righteous causes of Black folk. I am confident I will see the goodness of the Lord, here in the land of the living. During these trying times, I believe in a better future, even in the face of racial injustice. God is still working and sits high on the throne. Although this country hasn’t admitted to its crimes, I know that God hears the cries of His people.

So, as Black Christians let’s use the power and authority given to us by God to help heal the land. We are a unique, gifted, and talented people. Let’s use our voices to continue to fight against discrimination and racism. There is still a fight going on and we must be ready to do our part. My part is to forgive as God commanded so that I will no longer harbor any bitterness and anger. It’s time to overcome the hatred with the greatest love the world has ever known. There is no control over whether the other side will reciprocate that love. All I know is we’re going to get through this being Black and Christian. 


Things are getting better incrementally. I suppose I want God to come down and make everything better now. The Hebrews were in bondage in Egypt for 430 years and were delivered only to wander in the desert for 40 years and still had to fight to get into the promised land and fight once they got there. So, it will be a process, and even if I don’t live to see the total liberation and deliverance of my black people I know that God is faithful and it’s coming. So, I rejoice to know that adversity will produce character, faith, and hope.

2 Corinthians 4:8-9: We are hard-pressed on all sides, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed. 

Thanks for joining me on my journey through singleness,


Check Out: Am I Who I Post to Be?

Quarantine Dating

Quarantine Dating

Quarantine dating? How can people possibly date during the Quarantine? Aren’t we supposed to socially distance ourselves from one another? Aren’t we supposed to be staying in our homes and away from people? Yes, we most certainly are. But we can still date and here’s how.

Online dating

Since stay-at-home orders are in place, there’s no way to meet people to date other than online dating. It’s still possible to meet someone at the grocery store while wearing your mask and gloves. However, the chances are slim for that to happen. So meet your potential date by logging onto your favorite online dating apps or websites and just poke around. Make a bomb profile with a cute profile picture and swipe. These sites are popping right now. Quality men and women seeking serious relationships and marriage are on those sites. Be sure to use your God-given discernment and the guidance of the Holy Spirit when deciding with whom to converse.


If you happen to meet someone you like then you can text, call, and video chat. There is no better time to get to know someone on a deeper level than during this quarantine. All non-essential businesses are closed. We have to stay at least 6 feet away from people in public. Nothing is operating normally. All you have is your phone, time, and the Internet. Take all this free time and get to know someone. After all, one of the best ways to learn someone on a deeper level is to talk. Find a comfortable and cute place in your home and talk. Notice things about the background and inquire about them. Take them on a tour of an area that you cherish and explain why it means so much to you. When this quarantine is over, you’ll meet and your connection will be that much deeper.

Reality Check

You may not feel like this is the appropriate time to date. It is completely valid to not want to date during a global pandemic. While you have all this free time, figure out what’s important to you. Pray and ask God what you’re supposed to be doing with this time. God will surely tell you what you’re supposed to do. Filter every decision through Him. If He tells you to continue dating, great! If He tells you to spend more time with Him, even better! Be sure to listen to and obey God. Dating is still possible during the quarantine and it can be fun too!

Thanks for joining me on my journey through singleness,


Last Single Valentine's Day

A Plan

If you are tired of being alone on Valentine’s Day and you want this to be the last year that you are single, (like me) let’s make a plan to not be single next Valentine’s Day.

Plan for Companionship

Evaluate your mindset. Do you have a mindset that would attract a quality man?  Who are you as a person? What are you attracted to? You may have to change your social habits. Maybe you need to make more female friends so that you can go out more. Pray that God reveals what’s really keeping you single. Once He reveals it to you make a strategic plan on how to overcome those obstacles so this can be the last year you’re single. Be sure to have realistic and measurable goals and ask for God’s help every step of the way. This could be the last Valentine’s day you spend without a man.

Pray and Wait?

So, I know there is a lot of wisdom and Christian teachers out there who preach pray and wait, but I’m not so sure that’s the best model. Every other major decision gets weighed and poked and prodded, but the decision on who to marry is the only one where we throw our hands up and let God do all the work. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying leave God out of the equation. We must be led by the Holy Spirit in everything we do. However, put as much time and effort into attracting a quality man as you do studying for a test or preparing for an interview.

Ok, so a test and a job interview aren’t necessarily the best correlations to marriage. But what is the best correlation? In what other institution will two become one? What else did God design to not only advance His kingdom but also to populate the earth? Shouldn’t the time and energy we use to prepare for a forever marriage at least equal the time devoted things that will last a few years at most?


Let’s start with the first question. What is your mindset? Do you believe there is a Godly man that desires marriage and is willing to marry you? You have to believe a thing in order to see it. You have to have faith that God will do what He said. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. What are you hoping for? Where is your hope found? I cannot answer these questions for you, but you certainly can.

This will be a process. We are called to transform by the renewing of our minds. It’s time to transform and renew. It’s time to shift your mindset. This may require letting go of some old thinking patterns. This may require a new friend group that encourages you and believes what you do. Changing your mindset is not easy. This may be one of the most challenging steps, but that’s why it’s first. Your mindset will set the tone for your entire existence, not just about dating and marriage.

Who are You?

Changing your mindset will naturally lead to the next question, who are you as a person? I’m not asking what have you accomplished in your life? Do not list your titles and accolades. I’m talking about the person under all of that. Are you kind? Encouraging? Supportive? Are you the type of person you would want in your life? The life of your child? Self-assess and correct. Make sure you have what you’re asking for.

Now, I’m not telling you to condemn yourself. Self-assessment doesn’t have anything to do with thinking negatively about yourself. You are a child of The Most High. You are still valuable and precious in His sight. See yourself as He sees you.  Begin to think about yourself in the same way that He thinks of you. Look at yourself in the same light as God. This way you won’t accept anything less than God’s best because you’ll see that’s exactly what you are too.


Being who God called you to be will inevitably attract the type of man you want to be with. I believe with all my heart that walking confidently in God’s will is going to lead to the man your heart desires. No more Ishmaels, only Isaacs from here on out. That’s God’s promise. God’s word accomplishes exactly what it was sent to do. The only question is do you believe it? How can God do what He needs to do if you not believe He will do it? It’s impossible to please God without faith. So, in faith make a plan to get that man. Don’t use waiting on God as an excuse to sit still and do nothing. 

My Plan

Your plan should include God in every aspect. What goals do you have? What measurable action steps are you taking? I’m not one to share something and not do it, so here’s a snippet of my marriage plan.

  1. Specific Goal: Marriage
  2. Measurable: 
    1. Two dates per month 
    2. Speak to and converse with at least 3 new men per week
    3. Pray/journal for my husband every day
  3. Attainable: I take public transit to and from work and I am on at least 2 dating apps. I can attain the goal of speaking to and conversing with 3 new men per week.
  4. Realistic: I will have to push myself out of my comfort zone to get this, but it will be done.
  5. Timebound: Marriage by 36 years old

There are a lot more details in my plan, but I want to give you an idea to let you know you are not alone. I’m working on my mindset and seeing myself as God sees me. I pray and ask God to help me walk more confidently in my calling so that I can be prepared for everything that He has for me. I read and listen to His word so that my faith may increase. Life isn’t all about getting a man. I’m still pursuing other goals in God with the same vigor and specificity. This plan is the work I’m putting behind my faith for marriage. A plan will work in other areas of our lives too.

When it’s all said and done remember Valentine’s Day is just a day. We got through this one just like we have gotten through all the other ones. Valentine’s Day does not determine our self-worth or our value as women. The lack of romantic interest on Valentine’s Day or on any day does not diminish anything about us. We are still strong, loving, and amazing women. Keep pressing forward and remember to be led by the Holy Spirit in everything! 

Recommended Resources

Single Girl’s Guide to Valentine’s Day

Lessons Learned

10 Lessons from the Last Decade

1. I Can Accomplish Anything

I passed the bar on the first attempt. Up until that point, it was one of the most challenging things I had done. It was daunting. My entire career hinged on me passing this one test. But I did it. After 3 years of law school and an entire summer spent studying, I passed the bar. That let me know I can do anything.

Philippians 4:13 (KJV) I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

2. Not to Lean On My Own Understanding

Life doesn’t always go according to the plan I’ve laid out, but God has a better plan. It took me a long time to find a job that I actually wanted to do. I found out very quickly that being an attorney wasn’t it. Honestly, I’m still learning exactly what I’m supposed to be doing, but I know I can’t rely on my own understanding to figure it out. God’s wisdom and revelation helped me when I didn’t know where to go or what to do. It’s always best to lean on Him.

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV) Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight

3. I Have Permission to Feel Without Being Led by My Emotions

This is something I learned about myself over the years. If something isn’t going my way or I don’t feel like doing it. I quit. I allowed my emotions to rule and lead me. I would quit something in a heartbeat. So, one of the things I want to leave in the last decade is being led by my emotions. It’s ok to feel, but I must remain sober-minded. I have to make decisions based on what God says and not solely on how I feel.

1 Peter 5:8 (ESV) Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

4. I Can Love Jesus and Still Go to Therapy

2012-2016 was wild. So many things happened. I ended a 5-year relationship. I lost my confidence and hope. I became confused, distrusting, distant, thought I was unlovable. It was a dark time. I remember my mind be cloudy and thinking it would always be this way. So, I talked to my pastor at the time and he recommended therapy. It was eye-opening. I always thought therapy was for crazy people. I was resistant at first because I was taught all I needed was prayer and Jesus, but I wasn’t given any practical tools to allow Jesus’ transformative power to really work in my life. Therapy gave me those tools. I still use those tools to this day to help me use God’s word to work through life’s issues.

2 Corinthians 10:5 (ESV) We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God…

5. I’m Loved and God Wants What’s Best for Me

 I went through a period where I felt so unloved. I felt incapable of giving or receiving love. God showed me in a dream how much He really loved me. I realized at that point that He loved me since the foundations of the earth and nothing will ever separate His love from me.

Romans 8:38-39 says, “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers,  neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

6. Prayer Changes Me

The more I pray, the more my heart changes. Where I was once hard, I am now soft. Prayer increases my faith, prepares me for situations, helps me to defeat temptation, and allows me to see God’s power in the life of others. It doesn’t always change the situation, but it certainly changes the way I view a situation. 

Philippians 4:6–7 (ESV) do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

7. My Words Have Power

This past decade I started speaking affirmations over myself. I would say them silently, out loud, looking at myself in the mirror. The point is I would say them. The more I said those words, the more I would believe it. At first, I said positive quotes found on Pinterest. Then I incorporated more scripture as I started studying God’s word. The more I spoke God’s word over my life, the more I would see His word manifesting in my life. It’s amazing to see how a day would turn out based on what I said to my self that morning. 

Proverbs 18:21 (KJV) Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

8. Money Management

I got out of consumer debt. It was hard. I had to say no to a lot of trips and outings so I could place myself in a better financial situation. Managing money wisely provides more choices. Now, I can say yes to trips and going out because I know the money is there. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not debt-free, but I am closer than I was before. I can actually see the end and I believe this decade I will be able to say I owe no man.

For to him who has will more be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away.” — Matthew 13:11–12, RSV.

9. My Story is My Story

I spent a lot of time looking at other people and trying to emulate what they did in order to obtain the success they had. It never worked out for me. I have to walk the path God set out for me. My story will be just as beautiful and it will work because it’s what God ordained for me.

Proverbs 19:21 (NIV) Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.

10. Faith With Works is Alive!

I accomplished a lot in the last half of the decade by simply putting a little work behind my faith. I was able to travel, buy a home, and land a great job, all because I believed what God said and was willing to put in the work to see it manifest on this side of heaven. 

James 2:26 (NIV) As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.


Wildest Dreams

As we approach the new year, I often take time to plan ahead for the new one. This time I want to take a slightly different approach. God can do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or think according to the power that works within us. So, instead of the same old new year’s resolutions, let’s resolve to go after our wildest dreams.

Wild Dreams

What are those dreams that you just can’t seem to shake? The big, bold, and grand dreams that you know God placed in your heart. Why not ask Him for those dreams? Hashtag goals can be a reality. I believe 2020 is the year that God-given dreams and gifts must manifest. It’s time y’all. So I’ll ask again, what’s your wildest dream?

Last year, a group of friends and I sat around discussing our plans for 2019. We spoke them with conviction and we put some work behind our faith. I didn’t only ask for tangible things, I also asked to be in a better position to serve Him.

In 2019 we saw God manifest what we spoke out loud and more. So, that got me to thinking. What if I was bold in my declarations for 2020? If God did all that for me in 2019, what more would He do if I asked for what I really wanted? How much would my life and the lives of others change if I followed that wild (and crazy) dream God gave me?

2020 Journal

For 2020, I’m declaring that I serve a God who cannot and has not failed. I declare that I have put forth the work and effort necessary for God’s promises to manifest in my life. God will abundantly exceed my wildest dreams in 2020. I believe He will do it for me and you. I created a journal to help me let go of limiting thoughts. This journal has scriptures and prompts to help get the creative juices flowing.

Take some time to write out your wildest dreams in the journal. I’m talking about that dream that’s a little (or a lot) scary to even mention aloud. Write those things that you really want. Then believe that God will move on your behalf. Stand in the confident expectation that God will do more than you can ask or think. Pray over that list, make sure you’re keeping God first, and then move!

What a Mighty God We Serve

God is already moving. He has already moved in a mighty way in my life with my wildest dreams list. We serve an active and living God. He doesn’t have to wait until 2020 to do it. It can happen now! What an amazing feeling to know that God loves and hears us. I pray that you have a prosperous and happy new year! May God continue to bless you beyond belief.

Get the journal here

Thanks for joining me on this journey through singleness,


Bible Study

God’s Truth

What do I believe? Is it God’s truth or what I want to believe? It’s time to get back to the truth. The truth is found in God’s word and to follow it I must know it. In an effort to become more transparent and honest with myself and God, I decided to really look at what I believed. Where did the belief originate? Is it the truth? Am I correctly perceiving and understanding God?

Brittany Broaddus, a guest on The Love Hour podcast, stated there are 3 principles that often get confused when discussing theology and things of God;

  • Biblical Mandate
  • Convictions
  • Preference

I decided to research this further. I want to be absolutely sure that I’m sharing the truth.

Biblical Mandate

A biblical mandate is universally applicable. This is what God says about the issue and we all, as believers, have to follow it. The bible is the divinely inspired word of God. What God says goes. For example: Drinking alcohol. There isn’t a biblical mandate that makes drinking alcohol a sin. However, there are people who preach against drinking alcohol, as if it’s a sin. Here’s how confusion enters and why it’s so important to know God’s word for yourself.

Over the course of the years, many well-intentioned people have misquoted, taken out of context, misapplied, or plain just misused scripture. It is very important when reading and studying the bible to ask some very basic questions.

  • Who is God talking to?
  • What is happening at this time in history in the bible?
  • What is the context of the verse?
  • Why is God saying this at this time?

We must study to show ourselves approved as workers who can rightly divide the truth. Are we accurately quoting scripture? Does God say that or did someone we love and admire say that? We have to get back to God’s word. We have to get back to the truth.


Convictions are caused by the living Holy Spirit that dwells inside of us. As Christians, once we confess with our mouths and believe with our hearts, we receive salvation and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit leads, guides, comforts, and convicts. Conviction is something the Holy Spirit leads us not to do because it’s not for us. Let’s look at drinking alcohol again.

There is no biblical mandate against drinking. There are, however, biblical mandates calling believers to be sober-minded and to not be drunk. This is where conviction comes in. Because God knows us, He may tell some people not to drink or the Holy Spirit will convict us if we partake in too much alcohol. But, the Holy Spirit may not lead others that way.

Whose Voice?

Conviction by the Holy Spirit is great. It will lead us in the right direction. We must be careful however to distinguish between conviction and condemnation. The enemy condemns and the Holy Spirit convicts. Conviction is a gentle push to do what you know is right. Condemnation is a heavy feeling of guilt or shame for doing what you know is wrong. There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

Also, make sure the conviction we’re feeling is from the Holy Spirit and not the voice of anyone else whispering their convictions in our ear. I have been guilty of this. I used to follow a teacher that said as Christians we were so holy we couldn’t do anything in this world, like go to the movies. Going to the movies convicted me! Seems silly now, but that used to make me feel so bad. There is no biblical mandate against enjoying a movie. The Holy Spirit may convict me about the type of movie I watch, but I was needlessly misguided based on another’s personal conviction or misinterpretation of scripture. Another reason to be grounded in God’s truth.


Lastly, there are personal preferences. While these can be guided by biblical mandates or convictions, they are usually what a person wants. Take the example of drinking alcohol. There isn’t a biblical mandate against it and I don’t personally feel convicted by drinking, but I prefer to drink wine over hard liquor. Preferences can be based on anything or nothing. So, when following a certain teacher or speaking on things of God, we must be vigilant and make sure that it’s based on Biblical truth.

Ultimately, the best thing to do is to test the spirit by the spirit. Spend time with God so that we know His voice. That includes me. I try my best to know His word and His truth, but it’s not always easy. Especially if we are listening to someone we know, love, and trust. So, I apologize if I ever passed off a conviction or preference as a scriptural mandate from God. From now on, I will try my best to operate in truth. I will take more time to study and hear from God.

Thanks for joining me on my journey through singleness!
Until next time,

Recommended Resources:

Suggested Reading: Dating Lessons

A Better Person

Becoming a better person requires a lot of work. Personal growth requires strength and self-awareness which I can only get from God. The process is sometimes so strenuous that I actually ask myself and God frequently if this is really what I need?

Is all this work to become a better person really worth it? Do I really want all that God has for me? Do I want to see His word manifest in my life?  Is the juice worth the squeeze?

The Battle

Honestly, the battle is real.  Parts of me say yes, while other parts of me say no. Every year I suffer from severe low moods. It’s not necessarily depression, but I recognize the pattern. Last year I made a declaration that I would not go through that again. However, I didn’t realize the amount of work, prayer, and mind renewal this requires. Am I willing to do the necessary work to fulfill my plans and goals? Do I have what it takes to realize God’s plans for me?

To put this in perspective, I had to remember what not working felt like. I had to remember what living below the promises God looked like in my life. Although realizing His plan and for my life may require more work than I anticipated, I am not willing to live on this side of heaven and not see His goodness.

It’s Worth It

So, the answer is a resounding yes! Yes, I am determined that this year I will battle and win. I know that it will be a fight. There will be work behind my declaration. I’m prepared to fight this year. My struggle isn’t against flesh and blood, but against the dark powers of this world.

I will put on the whole armor of God and stand. I’m going to come out on the other side of this stronger and wiser. It’s the enemy’s job to steal, kill, and destroy, but he can’t have my future. He can’t have my mind. He can’t have what is meant for me. I am determined to win this battle. I will win this fight. The good news is that I’m already victorious.

It’s totally worth it to fight and become the better person God’s calling me to be. The freedom, victory, intimacy with our Father is so worth it. It’s the ultimate goal. No, it’s not always fun. But, I trust God enough to know that He will never lead me wrong. In the end, becoming a better person is for my good.

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Keeping God First While Dating

Dating can be a pretty treacherous thing. Especially in today’s world.  There are so many men who seem so good, but end up being crazy, sex-crazed, or just plain weird. So what is a single Christian woman supposed to do? We must make sure to put God first. Seems simple right? But how can we make sure to put God first while dating?

Matthew 6:33 says, “But above all pursue His kingdom and righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.” I want all those things given to me, so here are some tips to help you put God first while dating.

  1. Pray

There is no way you can do this on your own. Prayer strengthens, calms, and provides clarity. Pray for wisdom, discernment, and for more faith to trust God fully. Most importantly, pray for His will to be done and to be led by the Holy Spirit. In order to keep God first, you must talk to Him consistently. You should also spend time with Him and His word meditating and studying. Which, coincidentally, is the next tip. 

  1. Meditate and Study

There aren’t really any scriptures for dating in this technology-driven age. However, there are plenty of scriptures on trusting God, depending on God, and following the leading of the Holy Spirit. One that immediately comes to mind is Proverbs 3:5-7 which says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil.”

Study and meditate on these scriptures so that you will keep God first and won’t be led astray or distracted by someone who doesn’t belong in your future. Get them down in your heart and spirit so that you will be able to discern what’s from God. These types of scriptures will help you decide who to date in the first place.

  1. Pray with and for your date

Hopefully, you’re dating a Christian man who prays.  If he’s not a Christian, then why are you dating him sis? No, seriously, why are you dating him? You should only be dating men that are marriage potential, but that’s another post. As you can see, prayer is a key component in keeping God first while dating. Pray for him before and after your date. Pray that God reveals anything about him that may be a red flag. Pray that he is led by the Holy Spirit too.

Now, praying with him may be a bit awkward, especially if the relationship is new. But, if he prays on a regular basis, asking him to pray with you shouldn’t run him off. If it does, then do you really want that man anyway? If you want to ease into praying with him, ask him what he’s been praying about lately. That way, you can broach the topic without seeming too religious or spooky deep.

Now, I’m not telling you anything that I haven’t personally done. These are tips that I have learned to do the hard way. It’s so important that you keep God first in everything because He will be the foundation of a good marriage.

As I continue to date, I’m learning so much about myself and about how important it is for me to lean on God. I pray that you learn from my dating misadventures so you won’t have to repeat the same mistakes. Thanks for following me on this journey as a single Christian woman. Remember to be led by the Holy Spirit in all you do!



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Pursue Righteousness

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